Mode localization and eigenvalue loci veering phenomena in disordered structures

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450 Scopus citations


An investigation of the effects of disorder on the modes of vibration of nearly periodic structures is presented. It is shown that, in structures with close eigenvalues, small structural irregularities result in both strong localization of the mode shapes and abrupt veering away, or mutual repulsion, of the loci of the eigenvalues when these are plotted against a parameter representing the disorder in the system. Perturbation methods for the eigenvalue problem are applied to predict the occurrence of strong localization and eigenvalue loci veering, which are shown to be two manifestations of the same phenomenon. Also, perturbation methods that handle the dramatic effects of small disorder are developed to analyze eigenvalue loci veering and strong localization. Two representative disordered nearly periodic structures are studied: a mistuned assembly of coupled oscillators and a multi-span beam with irregular spacing of the supports.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)485-502
Number of pages18
JournalJournal of Sound and Vibration
Issue number3
StatePublished - 8 Nov 1988


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