Modeling of grain growth kinetics with Read-Shockley grain boundary energy by a modified Monte Carlo algorithm

Qiang Yu, Sven K. Esche

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

25 Scopus citations


Grain growth of a single-phase material with Read-Shockley anisotropic grain boundary energy was simulated using a modified Monte Carlo (MC) algorithm in which the local system energy is minimized in every step. The microstructure evolution in the presence of anisotropy is reproduced correctly. Providing that the initial grain orientations are distributed randomly, the parabolic growth law is not affected by the degree of anisotropy, which in turn affects the grain growth rate only. These findings are supported by three arguments rooted in previous theoretical and simulation results.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)47-52
Number of pages6
JournalMaterials Letters
Issue number1-2
StatePublished - Sep 2002


  • Anisotropic grain boundary energy
  • Computer simulation
  • Grain growth
  • Grain growth kinetics
  • Microstructure
  • Monte Carlo method


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