Modeling the stability of sand foundations during earthquakes

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Many of the damages caused to structures during earthquakes are due to the failure of sand foundations. Experience in past earthquakes showed that poorly designed sand foundations can cause large vertical settlement and tilting to buildings. However, research efforts are complicated by the lack of field data about the responses of foundations during earthquakes. Centrifuge modeling has the advantage of being able to replicate field events in a controllable environment. For earthquake centrifuge tests, the boundary effects imposed by a model container need to be addressed carefully. A group of dynamic centrifuge tests was conducted at Cambridge University to study the seismic stability of sand foundations. The tests were conducted in a specially designed model container that could simulate a soil layer of infinite lateral extent. A large data base was established, which can be used for the verification of design calculations and validation of numerical procedures. Failure mechanism similar to that which occurred in the field was observed in the tests. When sand in the foundation was saturated, the risk of failure was significantly increased. There was clear indication of deterioration of the stiffness of sand under cyclic loading and with pore pressure increase. Implications for design are discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)22-33
Number of pages12
JournalTransportation Research Record
Issue number1504
StatePublished - Jul 1995


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