Multicontrast endomyocardial imaging by single-channel high-resolution cross-polarization optical coherence tomography

Xinwen Yao, Yu Gan, Yuye Ling, Charles C. Marboe, Christine P. Hendon

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22 Scopus citations


A single-channel high-resolution cross-polarization (CP) optical coherence tomography (OCT) system is presented for multicontrast imaging of human myocardium in one-shot measurement. The intensity and functional contrasts, including the ratio between the cross- and co-polarization channels as well as the cumulative retardation, are reconstructed from the CP-OCT readout. By comparing the CP-OCT results with histological analysis, it is shown that the system can successfully delineate microstructures in the myocardium and differentiate the fibrotic myocardium from normal or ablated myocardium based on the functional contrasts provided by the CP-OCT system. The feasibility of using A-line profiles from the 2 orthogonal polarization channels to identify fibrotic myocardium, normal myocardium and ablated lesion is also discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere201700204
JournalJournal of Biophotonics
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 2018


  • imaging systems
  • medical and biological imaging
  • myocardium imaging
  • optical coherence tomography
  • polarization-selective devices
  • tissue characterization


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