Near/far effects on packet radio networks with direct-sequence spread-spectrum signaling

Yu Dong Yao, Asrar U.H. Sheikh, Shi Xin Cheng

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

3 Scopus citations


The near/far effect on a direct-sequence spread-spectrum packet radio network is investigated. It is found that the maximum throughput of the network is decreased in the presence of near/far problems. Under high traffic conditions, however, the network with near/far problems provides higher throughput than the one without near/far problems. This suggests that the direct-sequence spread-spectrum packet radio network with near/far problems retains stability under heavy traffic conditions.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
StatePublished - 1989
EventIEEE Pacific RIM Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing - Victoria, BC, Canada
Duration: 1 Jun 19892 Jun 1989


ConferenceIEEE Pacific RIM Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing
CityVictoria, BC, Canada


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