Neural network-based pore flow field prediction in porous media using super resolution

Xu Hui Zhou, James E. McClure, Cheng Chen, Heng Xiao

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22 Scopus citations


Direct pore-scale simulations of fluid flow through porous media are computationally expensive to perform for realistic systems. Previous works have demonstrated using the geometry of the microstructure of porous media to predict the velocity fields therein based on neural networks. However, such trained neural networks do not perform well for unseen porous media with a large degree of heterogeneity. In this study we propose that incorporating a coarse velocity field in the input of neural networks is an effective way to improve the prediction performance. The coarse velocity field can be simulated with a low computational cost and provides global information to regularize the ill-posedness of the learning problem, which is usually caused by the use of local geometries due to the computational resource constraints. We show that incorporating the coarse-mesh velocity field significantly improves the prediction accuracy of the fine-mesh velocity field by comparison to the prediction that relies on geometric information alone, especially for the porous medium with a large interior vuggy pore space. We also show the flexibility of training the network in using coarse velocity fields with various resolutions. The results suggest that even using coarse velocity field with a very low resolution, the predictions are still enhanced and close to the ground truths. The feasibility of the method is further demonstrated by testing the trained network on real rocks. This study highlights the merits of incorporating a coarse-mesh velocity field into the input for neural networks, which provides global, physics-based information for the model, thereby improving the model's generalization capability.

Original languageEnglish
Article number074302
JournalPhysical Review Fluids
Issue number7
StatePublished - Jul 2022


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