New physics at a Super Flavor Factory

Thomas E. Browder, Tim Gershon, Dan Pirjol, Amarjit Soni, Jure Zupan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

45 Scopus citations


The potential of a Super Flavor Factory (SFF) for searches of new physics is reviewed. While very high luminosity B physics is assumed to be at the core of the program, its scope for extensive charm and τ studies are also emphasized. The possibility to run at the Υ (5S) is also discussed; in principle, this could provide very clean measurements of Bs decays. The strength and reach of a SFF are most notably due to the possibility of examining an impressive array of very clean observables. The angles and the sides of the unitarity triangle can be determined with unprecedented accuracy. These serve as a reference for new physics (NP) sensitive decays such as B+ → τ+ ντ and penguin dominated hadronic decay modes, providing tests of generic NP scenarios with an accuracy of a few percent. Besides very precise studies of direct and time dependent CP asymmetries in radiative B decays and forward-backward asymmetry studies in B→ Xs l+ l- and numerous null tests using B, charm, and τ decays are also likely to provide powerful insights into NP. The dramatic increase in luminosity at a SFF will also open up entirely new avenues for probing NP observables, e.g., by allowing sensitive studies using theoretically clean processes such as B→ Xs ν ν̄. The SFF is envisioned to be a crucial tool for essential studies of flavor in the CERN Large Hadron Collider era and will extend the reach of the Large Hadron Collider in many important ways.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1887-1941
Number of pages55
JournalReviews of Modern Physics
Issue number4
StatePublished - 29 Dec 2009


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