Non-Markovian quantum-state diffusion: Perturbation approach

Ting Yu, Lajos Diósi, Nicolas Gisin, Walter T. Strunz

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218 Scopus citations


We present a perturbation theory for non-Markovian quantum-state diffusion (QSD), the theory of diffusive quantum trajectories for open systems in a bosonic environment [Phys. Rev. A 58, 1699 (1998)]. We establish a systematic expansion in the ratio between the environmental correlation time and the typical system time scale. The leading order recovers the Markov theory, so here we concentrate on the next-order correction corresponding to first-order non-Markovian master equations. These perturbative equations greatly simplify the general non-Markovian QSD approach, and allow for efficient numerical simulations beyond the Markov approximation. Furthermore, we show that each perturbative scheme for QSD naturally gives rise to a perturbative scheme for the master equation which we study in some detail. Analytical and numerical examples are presented, including the quantum Brownian motion model.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)91-103
Number of pages13
JournalPhysical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1999


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