Nonlinear Dynamics of Functionally Graded Material Plates under Dynamic Liquid Load and with Longitudinal Speed

Yan Qing Wang, Jean W. Zu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

31 Scopus citations


This paper investigates the dynamics of functionally graded material (FGM) plates under dynamic liquid load and with longitudinal speed. The liquid is assumed to be ideal so that it is incompressible, inviscid and irrotational. Based on the D'Alembert's principle, the mathematical model of the system is developed by taking into account geometrical and material nonlinearities as well as velocity potential and Bernoulli's equation. The Galerkin method is employed to discretize the partial differential governing equation to a series of ordinary differential ones, which are then analyzed via the use of the method of harmonic balance. Analytical results are compared with numerical ones to validate the present method. The stability of the steady-state response is examined by means of the perturbation technique. Linear analysis of the system shows the possible appearance of internal resonance, and nonlinear frequency-response curves demonstrate strong hardening-spring property of the system. A modal interaction behavior through 1:1 internal resonance is detected; the behavior can happen in a wide domain of constituent volume fraction, which is a unique phenomenon in moving FGM plates compared with their metallic counterparts. Furthermore, results show the modal interaction can be easily evoked in the moving FGM plate under dynamic liquid load, even while the plate is subjected to minimal exciting force or large damping. In addition, influence of the plate location on nonlinear dynamics of the system is examined; results show the dynamic response of the plate will change considerably when the plate is near the container wall.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1750054
JournalInternational Journal of Applied Mechanics
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1 Jun 2017


  • Functionally graded material plate
  • dynamic liquid load
  • harmonic balance method
  • internal resonance
  • longitudinal speed
  • nonlinear response


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