Numerical modelling of fold-related fractures

I. Kolo, R. K.Abu Al-Rub, R. L. Sousa, Mohamed Sassi, Manhal Sirat

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Fractures induced by folds are pivotal in hydrocarbon exploration, ground water transport and harnessing of geothermal energy. This is because of the need to predict and understand fracture propagation in reservoirs which have folded rock formations. Despite its prominence, there is a lack of reliable numerical models for simulating fractures resulting from rock folding. This is partially due to the difficulty involved in fracture modelling. As a contribution to fold-fracture modelling, this work applies a coupled plasticity-damage model to rock fracturing and anticlinal folds. Parametric studies on a single folded layer give insight into the fold formation and behaviour. The anisotropic continuum damage model which considers both tension and compression is formulated using the power damage evolution law. For ease in formulation, strain equivalence hypothesis is adopted whereby the strain is the same for both damaged and undamaged configurations. Lubliner plasticity yield criterion is adopted for plastic deformation. The model is coded in Abaqus user subroutine UMAT and is applicable to quasi-brittle materials.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication13th ISRM International Congress of Rock Mechanics
Editors Hassani, Hadjigeorgiou, Archibald
Number of pages10
ISBN (Electronic)9781926872254
StatePublished - 2015
Event13th ISRM International Congress of Rock Mechanics 2015 - Montreal, Canada
Duration: 10 May 201513 May 2015

Publication series

Name13th ISRM International Congress of Rock Mechanics
Volume2015- MAY


Conference13th ISRM International Congress of Rock Mechanics 2015


  • Damage Mechanics
  • Elasto-Plasticity
  • Fold-Related Fractures


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