Observation of tritium and helium core transport barriers in reversed shear plasmas on TFTR

P. C. Efthimion, S. Von Goeler, E. J. Synakowski, M. Bitter, S. H. Batha, R. E. Bell, C. E. Bush, W. A. Houlberg, F. M. Levinton, E. Mazzucato, D. McCune, D. Mueller, H. Park, A. T. Ramsey, A. L. Roquemore, G. Taylor, M. C. Zarnstorff

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Tritium and helium gas-puff experiments have been conducted on TFTR to investigate transport in reverse shear plasmas. Small amounts of tritium and helium gas are puffed into the equilibrium phase of these plasmas. Measurements of the 14 MeV t(d, n)α neutron fusion product and the charge-exchange spectrum of helium reveal the transport details of tritium and helium, respectively. The inferred tritium and helium density profiles indicate the formation of a core transport barrier for each species in reverse shear plasmas with enhanced confinement.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)621-625
Number of pages5
JournalPlasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
Issue number5
StatePublished - 1998


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