Optimal coherence via chirped pulse adiabatic passage in the presence of dephasing

Svetlana A. Malinovskaya, Vladimir S. Malinovsky

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


We propose the adiabatic passage control scheme to maximize coherence in a predetermined molecular vibrational mode via two-photon Raman transitions. We investigate vibrational energy relaxation and collisional dephasing as factors of coherence loss, and demonstrate the possibility for sustaining high value of coherence in the presence of dephasing by two chirped pulse trains. The proposed method may be used to advance imaging techniques currently applied in the coherent anti-stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3101-3108
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Modern Optics
Issue number19-20
StatePublished - Nov 2008


  • Adiabatic passage
  • CARS microscopy
  • Femtosecond chirped pulse
  • Optimal coherence
  • Raman excitation


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