Optimal resource allocation for delay constrained users in self-coexistence WRAN

Yanxiao Zhao, Md Nashid Anjum, Min Song, Xiaohua Xu, Guodong Wang

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

6 Scopus citations


On Demand Frame Contention (ODFC) is designated as a solution to exclusive self-coexistence in wireless regional area networks. According to ODFC, contention winners are selected in a random manner regardless of the users' delay constraints and frame demands. As a result, ODFC may freeze some users due to that their delay constraints are not satisfied. Moreover, it may lead to a unfair resource distribution in terms of frame demands. To fully consider various delay constraints and frame demands, in this paper we formulate the resource allocation optimization problem as an integer programming problem and present a new approach termed {On Demand Delay-constrained Fair Distribution} (ODDFD). ODDFD utilizes an iterative approach to solve the resource allocation problem considering delay constraints and frame demands. The distinguished feature of ODDFD is that it is able to deal with both delay sensitive networks and delay insensitive networks. Specifically, for a delay sensitive network, ODDFD minimizes jitter variance and average unexpected delay. For a delay insensitive network, the resource is allocated based on their frame demands and achieve a fair distribution in terms of their demands. Extensive simulations are conducted and verify that the jitter variance and average unexpected delay are decreased in a delay sensitive network, and the fairness of frame demands is increased in a delay insensitive network.

Original languageEnglish
Article number7417820
JournalProceedings - IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM
StatePublished - 2015
Event58th IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2015 - San Diego, United States
Duration: 6 Dec 201510 Dec 2015


  • IEEE 802.22
  • ODFC
  • WRAN


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