Power capture and power take-off load of a self-balanced dual-flap oscillating surge wave energy converter

Alaa Ahmed, Jia Mi, Jianuo Huang, Raju Datla, Kevin Connington, Lei Zuo, Muhammad R. Hajj

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


Wave energy converters are an important part of future renewable energy infrastructure. Predicting their power matrix, capture width ratio, and power take-off loads at a targeted site is required for performance assessment before deployment. Because their testing is very expensive, numerical modeling and simulations play a significant role in those assessments. Linear potential flow theory has limited accuracy under large amplitude wave forcing. More accurate predictions can be obtained by using higher-fidelity models, which are computationally expensive. We present a framework for multi-fidelity numerical simulations to determine the hydrodynamic response, wave capture capability, and power take-off load of a full-scale dual-flap oscillating surge wave energy converter. This design exploits out-of-phase motion by setting the distance between the flaps to half the wavelength of the most occurring wave. The simulations are validated using a 1:10 model experiments in a wave tank. Based on these validations, it was determined that Euler simulations provide an acceptable prediction with 90% reduction in computational time with only 11% error. Utilizing Euler simulations at full-scale, the results demonstrate that the annual electrical energy output is 1.79 GWh under regular wave conditions. One significant improvement over single-flap designs is the capture width ratio which exceeds unity.

Original languageEnglish
Article number130431
StatePublished - 15 Mar 2024


  • Capture width ratio
  • Multi-fidelity simulations
  • PTO loads
  • Power matrix
  • Wave energy
  • Wave tank tests


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