Prediction of FRP-concrete interfacial bond strength based on machine learning

Feng Zhang, Chenxin Wang, Jun Liu, Xingxing Zou, Lesley H. Sneed, Yi Bao, Libin Wang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

61 Scopus citations


Externally bonding fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) to concrete structures is an effective way to enhance the mechanical performance of concrete structures. Many equations have been proposed to predict the interfacial bond strength for FRP-concrete structures but have limited accuracy due to the complexity of the bond behavior. This study proposes to formulate the FRP-concrete interfacial bond strength based on machine learning (ML) methods, which have emerged as a promising alternative to achieve high prediction accuracy in high-dimension problems. To this end, a database containing 1,375 FRP-concrete direct shear test specimens that failed due to interfacial debonding was established. The database was improved using an unsupervised isolation forest that identified and eliminated anomalous data, and was then used to train six ML models, namely artificial neural networks (ANN), support vector machine, decision tree, gradient boosting decision tree, random forest, and XGboost algorithms, to predict the FRP-concrete interfacial bond strength. The ML predictive models showed higher accuracy than 16 existing equations in the literature. The XGBoost model showed the highest accuracy, and its coefficient of variation was 54% lower than the existing equation with the highest accuracy among those considered. The ANN model was used to perform a parametric study on the influencing parameters, and a new equation was generated to predict the interfacial bond strength, considering the key influencing parameters. The equation enables interpretation of the ML models. The study combines ML models and traditional physical models to achieve a novel, interpretable ML method for predicting FRP-concrete interfacial bond strength.

Original languageEnglish
Article number115156
JournalEngineering Structures
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2023


  • Bond strength
  • Interpretable machine learning (ML)
  • Isolation forest
  • Random forest (RF)
  • extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost)
  • fiber reinforced polymer (FRP)


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