Privacy-Preserving Physical-Layer Authentication under Cooperative Attacks

Yu Li, Jiaheng Zhang, Junjie Chen, Yicong Chen, Ning Xie, Hongbin Li

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1 Scopus citations


In this paper, we are concerned about the problem of guaranteeing both privacy and security in a Location-Based Service (LBS) system, where a challenging scenario involving cooperative attack is considered. Since prior Physical-Layer Authentication (PLA) schemes do not consider cooperative attack, their security significantly declines under such attacks. We propose two privacy-preserving PLA schemes: the Privacy-Preserving Physical-Layer Authentication using Noise Variance (PPPLA-NV) scheme and the Privacy-Preserving Physical-Layer Authentication using Multiple Channel Responses (PPPLA-MCR) scheme, which significantly improve the privacy-preserving performance under a cooperative attack. Note that the proposed schemes protect not only user's identity information but also data message. We theoretically analyze the performance of the proposed schemes, derive their closed-form expressions, and provide a theoretical comparison between both proposed schemes. We implement the proposed schemes and conduct extensive performance comparisons through simulations. Experimental results show a perfect match between the theoretical and simulation results. From the experimental results, we observe that if the overhead is not the priority, the PPPLA-MCR scheme is the best option; otherwise, the PPPLA-NV scheme may be a better option.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1171-1186
Number of pages16
JournalIEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1 Apr 2024


  • Physical-layer authentication
  • cooperative attack
  • impersonation attack
  • location-based service
  • privacy-preserving


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