Probabilistic Analysis of a Nailed Wall Considering Excavation Stages

Shengfeng Huang, Pooya Dastpak, Sina Javankhoshdel, Daniel Dias, Rita L. Sousa

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Due to the continuous development of urban areas, excavation has become a crucial part of the building’s construction. From the geotechnical point of view, excavation safety must be considered. Nail walls are an economical solution, widely used to support excavations. In this study, the construction of a nailed wall is simulated using a limit equilibrium method (LEM) to study the excavation stages effect on the factor of safety (FS). The variability of the soil properties and nails’ bonding strength are considered to capture the nailed wall reliability index (RI). The Janbu corrected method coupled with the Latin Hyper Cube is used to estimate the FS and RI. The impacts of the correlation length between the soil parameters are investigated on the RI.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)331-339
Number of pages9
JournalGeotechnical Special Publication
Issue numberGSP 345
StatePublished - 2023
EventGeo-Risk Conference 2023: Innovation in Data and Analysis Methods - Arlington, United States
Duration: 23 Jul 202326 Jul 2023


  • Excavation
  • LEM
  • Nail walls
  • Reliability Index
  • RLEM


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