Programmable Rainbow Trapping and Band-Gap Enhancement via Spatial Group-Velocity Tailoring in Elastic Metamaterials

Mustafa Alshaqaq, Christopher Sugino, Alper Erturk

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38 Scopus citations


We numerically and experimentally investigate spatially programmable rainbow trapping and band-gap enhancement using a graded piezoelectric metamaterial beam with unit cells shunted to synthetic impedance circuits. The local inductive shunt resonant frequency of each unit cell is different and follows a predefined spatial variation along the beam length. We explore the effect of various grading profiles on the spatial wave trapping and on the attenuation bandwidth. Experiments are performed on a clamped-clamped metamaterial beam with 29 piezoelectric elements shunted to synthetic impedance circuits with gradually varying inductance. Numerical simulations and experimental results reveal that, over a frequency band containing all resonant frequencies of unit cells, propagating elastic waves can be trapped uniformly or nonuniformly along the beam, and that the spatial trapping pattern follows the respective target frequency grading profile. Additionally, substantial band-gap enhancement is observed (as high as 75% increase) as compared with the identical resonators counterpart. Overall, the results show the versatility of this class of graded piezoelectric metamaterials and support the design of such programmable piezoelectric metastructures.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberL021003
JournalPhysical Review Applied
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 2022


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