Qualification of a quantitative laryngeal imaging system using videostroboscopy and videokymography

Peter S. Popolo, Ingo R. Titze

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32 Scopus citations


Objectives: We sought to determine whether full-cycle glottal width measurements could be obtained with a quantitative laryngeal imaging system using videostroboscopy, and whether glottal width and vocal fold length measurements were repeatable and reliable. Methods: Synthetic vocal folds were phonated on a laboratory bench, and dynamic images were obtained in repeated trials by use of videostroboscopy and videokymography (VKG) with an imaging system equipped with a 2-point laser projection device for measuring absolute dimensions. Video images were also obtained with an industrial videoscope system with a built-in laser measurement capability. Maximum glottal width and vocal fold length were compared among these 3 methods. Results: The average variation in maximum glottal width measurements between stroboscopic data and VKG data was 3.10%. The average variations in width measurements between the clinical system and the industrial system were 1.93% (stroboscopy) and 3.49% (VKG). The variations in vocal fold length were similarly small. The standard deviations across trials were 0.29 mm for width and 0.48 mm for length (stroboscopy), 0.18 mm for width (VKG), and 0.25 mm for width and 0.84 mm for length (industrial). Conclusions: For stable, periodic vibration, the full extent of the glottal width can be reliably measured with the quantitative videostroboscopy system.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)404-412
Number of pages9
JournalAnnals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2008


  • Endoscope
  • Glottal width
  • Laser
  • Videokymography
  • Videostroboscopy
  • Vocal fold


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