Reduction in Step Height Variation and Correcting Contrast Inversion in Dynamic AFM of WS2 Monolayers

Kyle Godin, Christian Cupo, Eui Hyeok Yang

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16 Scopus citations


A model has been developed to account for and prevent the anomalies encountered in topographic images of transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers using dynamic atomic force microscopy (dAFM). The height of WS2 monolayers measured using dAFM appeared to be increased or decreased, resulting from the interactions between the tip and the surface. The hydrophilic SiO2 substrate appeared higher than the weakly hydrophilic WS2 when the tip amplitude was low or at a high set point (high force). Large amplitudes and low set points corrected the step height inversion, but did not recover the true step height. Removing water from the sample resulted in an order of magnitude reduced variation in step height, but the WS2 appeared inverted except at low amplitudes and high set points. Our model explains the varying step heights in dAFM of TMDs as a result of varying tip-sample interactions between the sample and substrate, in the presence or absence of capillaries. To eliminate contrast inversion, high amplitudes can be used to reduce the effect of capillary forces. However, when capillaries are not present, low amplitudes and high set points produce images with proper contrast due to tool operation in the repulsive regime on both materials.

Original languageEnglish
Article number17798
JournalScientific Reports
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2017


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