Redundancy allocation for series-parallel systems using a max-min approach

Jose E. Ramirez-Marquez, David W. Coit, Abdullah Konak

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    103 Scopus citations


    The redundancy allocation problem is formulated with the objective of maximizing the minimum subsystem reliability for a series-parallel system. This is a new problem formulation that offers several distinct benefits compared to traditional problem formulations. Since time-to-failure of the system is dictated by the minimum subsystem time-to-failure, a logical design strategy is to increase the minimum subsystem reliability as high as possible, given constraints on the system. For some system design problems, a preferred design objective may be to maximize the minimum subsystem reliability. Additionally, the max-min formulation can serve as a useful and efficient surrogate for optimization problems to maximize system reliability. This is accomplished by sequentially solving a series of max-min subproblems by fixing the minimum subsystem reliability to create a new problem. For this new formulation, it becomes possible to linearize the problem and use integer programming methods to determine system design configurations that allow mixing of functionally equivalent component types within a subsystem. This is the first time the mixing of component types has been addressed using integer programming. The methodology is demonstrated on three problems.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)891-898
    Number of pages8
    JournalIIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers)
    Issue number9
    StatePublished - Sep 2004


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