Reentry Attitude Fault Tolerant Control for RLV Based on Adaptive Second-Order Nonsingular Fast Terminal Sliding Mode

Dakai Liu, Sven K. Esche, Mingang Wang, Xiaofei Chang

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1 Scopus citations


In this paper, a novel adaptive continuous nonsingular fast terminal sliding mode fault tolerant control scheme for reusable launch vehicles (RLVs) is proposed. This scheme was designed to counteract the modeling uncertainties, external disturbances and actuator faults during the reentry phase. First, an attitude dynamics model for the reentry of RLVs is built. Then, with feedback linearization, a second-order attitude tracking error model is derived. Subsequently, based on the traditional discontinuous nonsingular fast terminal sliding manifold (NFTSM), a second-order continuous NFTSM-based control strategy is developed to achieve a fast and accurate attitude tracking in the presence of uncertainties, disturbances and actuator faults. Compared with the existing NFTSM-based control strategies, the proposed control law guarantees higher robustness and chattering reduction without introducing state or disturbance observers. Thus, the proposed control law has a more concise and simpler structure. Furthermore, it does not require prior knowledge of the upper bounds of the disturbances. While most of the existing control strategies based on the NFTSM tend to suffer large oscillations at the initial phase of the control process, the proposed control law eliminates these oscillations. Finally, simulations are carried out that demonstrate that the proposed control law has better robustness to disturbances and faults while creating less chattering than the exiting control laws.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)980-991
Number of pages12
JournalInternational Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
Issue number5
StatePublished - Nov 2022


  • Adaptive gain
  • Finite-time fault tolerant control
  • Higher order sliding mode control
  • Nonsingular fixed-time terminal sliding mode
  • RLV


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