Registration and fusion of large-scale melt pool temperature and morphology monitoring data demonstrated for surface topography prediction in LPBF

Haolin Zhang, Chaitanya Krishna Prasad Vallabh, Xiayun Zhao

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21 Scopus citations


In-situ monitoring technologies for laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) additive manufacturing often face one key challenge, extracting the ultrafast melt pool (MP) signatures for understanding the localized part properties. Further, the spatial information of each monitored MP signature is essential for correlating the MP – part property. This spatial information is often unavailable especially from commercial LPBF printers. Many MP monitoring methods have been reported and utilized. However, very few of these have the MP's spatial information. To overcome this challenge, in this work we report a method for spatially registering the key MP signatures (MP intensity, temperature, and area) to the monitored print parts. The MP signatures are obtained from our coaxial high-speed single-camera based two-wavelength imaging pyrometry (STWIP) system and the MP spatial information is obtained from an off-axis camera system. A machine learning aided image analysis method is employed to retrieve the spatial distribution of MPs within the corresponding part's coordinates system. Then, the MP signature maps (MPSMs) are reconstructed by mapping the STWIP measured MP signatures to the registered MP coordinates. Further, a long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network is developed for estimating the layer surface topography from the registered MPSMs. The obtained results indicate that the layer surface topography can be more accurately estimated by using MP temperature signature rather than MP intensity and/or area signatures as in common practice. Our developed methods for MP monitoring, registration, and MP-surface topography prediction offer advanced capabilities for the online detection of process anomalies and part defects.

Original languageEnglish
Article number103075
JournalAdditive Manufacturing
StatePublished - Oct 2022


  • Data registration
  • In-situ melt pool monitoring
  • Laser powder bed fusion
  • Machine Learning
  • Surface topography


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