Replies to commentaries on beyond playing 20 questions with nature

Abdullah Almaatouq, Thomas L. Griffiths, Jordan W. Suchow, Mark E. Whiting, James Evans, Duncan J. Watts

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Commentaries on the target article offer diverse perspectives on integrative experiment design. Our responses engage three themes: (1) Disputes of our characterization of the problem, (2) skepticism toward our proposed solution, and (3) endorsement of the solution, with accompanying discussions of its implementation in existing work and its potential for other domains. Collectively, the commentaries enhance our confidence in the promise and viability of integrative experiment design, while highlighting important considerations about how it is used.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere33
JournalBehavioral and Brain Sciences
StatePublished - 5 Feb 2024


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