Reusable HNO Sensors Derived from Cu Cyclam: A DFT Study on the Mechanistic Origin of High Reactivity and Favorable Conformation Changes and Potential Improvements

Jia Min Chu, Dariya Baizhigitova, Vy Nguyen, Yong Zhang

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Nitroxyl (HNO) exhibits unique favorable properties in regulating biological and pharmacological activities. However, currently, there is only one Cu-based HNO sensor that can be recycled for reusable detection, which is a Cu cyclam derivative with a mixed thia/aza ligand. To elucidate the missing mechanistic origin of its high HNO reactivity and subsequent favorable conformation change toward a stable CuI product that is critical to be oxidized back by the physiological O2 level for HNO detection again, a density functional theory (DFT) computational study was performed. It not only reproduced experimental structural and reaction properties but also, more importantly, revealed an unknown role of the coordination atom in high reactivity. Its conformation change mechanism was found to not follow the previously proposed one but involve a novel favorable rotation pathway. Several newly designed complexes incorporating beneficial effects of coordination atoms and substituents to further enhance HNO reactivity while maintaining or even improving favorable conformation changes for reusable HNO detection were computationally validated. These novel results will facilitate the future development of reusable HNO sensors for true spatiotemporal resolution and repeated detection.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3586-3598
Number of pages13
JournalInorganic Chemistry
Issue number7
StatePublished - 19 Feb 2024


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