Secured Reserve Scheduling of Pumped-Storage Hydropower Plants in ISO Day-Ahead Market

Yikui Liu, Lei Wu, Yafei Yang, Yonghong Chen, Ross Baldick, Rui Bo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

26 Scopus citations


Due to their fast response ability and high ramping rates, pumped-storage hydropower (PSH) plants are playing an increasingly critical role in mitigating power generation fluctuations induced by the growing proliferation of renewable energy resources. However, because they are energy-limited resources, actual reserve deployment from PSHs would cause the deviation of state-of-charge (SOC) from the scheduled value, which, once accumulated over time, could induce potential violations of SOC limits and cause non-dispatchability of PSHs. In recognizing this potential issue, it can become important to securing the reserve schedule of PSHs and other energy limited resources preventively in the day-ahead market clearing. To ensure reserve dispatchability of PSHs despite SOC deviations, this paper proposes the reserve secure constraints, which are cast as a distributionally robust chance-constrained formulation by judiciously introducing random parameters to describe deployment ratios of scheduled regulation reserve from PSHs. These constraints are converted into tractable second-order cone constraints, and further approximated as linear constraints to be compatible with the current ISO day-ahead market clearing model. A modified IEEE 118-bus system with multiple PSHs is adopted to verify the proposed approach.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5722-5733
Number of pages12
JournalIEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Issue number6
StatePublished - 1 Nov 2021


  • Pumped-storage hydropower
  • energy-limited resource
  • secured reserve schedule
  • unit commitment


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