Seismic response of waterfront retaining walls

R. Scott Steedman, Xiangwu Zeng

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Advances in the understanding of the response of retaining structures to base shaking have been restricted by the use of pseudo-static calculations which have not taken into account dynamic amplification or phase effects. By considering a finite wave speed for the propagation of elastic shear waves through the ground the conventional analysis has been developed to generate a new pseudo-dynamic analysis which throws light on many of the inadequacies of the present calculations. In particular, the pseudo-dynamic analysis shows how an initially stiff soil-wall system may deteriorate towards failure as strain softening is brought about by dynamic amplification or excess pore pressure generation. This approach is strongly supported by the experimental evidence from a series of dynamic centrifuge model tests which have also been used to illustrate the ultimate failure mechanisms for an anchored cantilever wall subject to earthquake loading.

Original languageEnglish
JournalCambridge University, Engineering Department, (Technical Report) CUED/D-Soils
Issue number228
StatePublished - 1989


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