Step-edge calibration of torsional sensitivity for lateral force microscopy

Onejae Sul, Seongjin Jang, Eui Hyeok Yang

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10 Scopus citations


A novel calibration technique has been developed for lateral force microscopy (LFM). Typically, special preparation of the atomic force microscope (AFM) cantilever or a substrate is required for LFM calibration. The new calibration technique reported in this paper greatly reduces the required preparation processes by simply scanning over a rigid step and measuring the response of the AFM photodiode in the normal and lateral directions. When an AFM tip touches a step while scanning, the tip experiences a reaction force from the step edge, and the amount of torsion can be estimated based on the ratio of the normal and torsional spring constants of an AFM cantilever. Therefore, the torsion can be calibrated using the measured response of the photodiode from the lateral movement of the AFM tip. This new calibration technique has been tested and confirmed by measuring Young's modulus of a nickel (Ni) nanowire.

Original languageEnglish
Article number115104
JournalMeasurement Science and Technology
Issue number11
StatePublished - 2009


  • Atomic force microscopy
  • Lateral force microscopy
  • Nanowire


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