Surface heat budget of the arctic ocean

Taneil Uttal, Judith A. Curry, Miles G. McPhee, Donald K. Perovich, Richard E. Moritz, James A. Maslanik, Peter S. Guest, Harry L. Stern, James A. Moore, Rene Turenne, Andreas Heiberg, Mark C. Serreze, Donald P. Wylie, Ola G. Persson, Clayton A. Paulson, Christopher Halle, James H. Marison, Patricia A. Wheeler, Alexander Makshtas, Harold WelchMatthew D. Shupe, Janet M. Intrieri, Knut Stamnes, Ronald W. Lindsey, Robert Pinkel, W. Scott Pegau, Timothy P. Stanton, Thomas C. Grenfeld

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

467 Scopus citations


The Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean (SHEBA) is a research program designed to document, understand, and predict the physical processes that determine the surface energy budget and the sea-ice mass balance in the Arctic. This article discusses the goals of the SHEBA II science program, field operations, and the resulting measurements. Some examples of datasets are shown for the full annual cycle as well as for one stormy rainy day in December. The issue of scaling up the ice camp measurements to represent conditions over the Arctic Basin is discussed, and the conditions of SHEBA year are examined with respect to recent arctic climate. Furthermore, the objectives of SHEBA phase III are briefly described.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)255-275
Number of pages21
JournalBulletin of the American Meteorological Society
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2002


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