The Conjugacy Problem in Free Solvable Groups and Wreath Products of Abelian Groups is in TC 0

Alexei Miasnikov, Svetla Vassileva, Armin Weiß

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8 Scopus citations


We show that the conjugacy problem in a wreath product A ≀ B is uniform-TC 0 -Turing-reducible to the conjugacy problem in the factors A and B and the power problem in B. If B is torsion free, the power problem in B can be replaced by the slightly weaker cyclic submonoid membership problem in B. Moreover, if A is abelian, the cyclic subgroup membership problem suffices, which itself is uniform-AC 0 -many-one-reducible to the conjugacy problem in A ≀ B. Furthermore, under certain natural conditions, we give a uniform TC 0 Turing reduction from the power problem in A ≀ B to the power problems of A and B. Together with our first result, this yields a uniform TC 0 solution to the conjugacy problem in iterated wreath products of abelian groups – and, by the Magnus embedding, also in free solvable groups.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)809-832
Number of pages24
JournalMathematical Systems Theory
Issue number4
StatePublished - 15 May 2019


  • Conjugacy problem
  • Free solvable group
  • TC
  • Word problem
  • Wreath products


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