The contents of the dufour gland of the ant harpagoxenus sublaevis Nyl. (hymenoptera: Formicidae

D. G. Ollett, E. D. Morgan, A. B. Attygalle, J. P.J. Billen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

21 Scopus citations


The volatile components of the Defour gland secrection of workers of the Harpagoxenussublaevis have been analysed by gas chrom atography and mass spectrometry. Over 20 com ponents have been identified, consisting of linear and terpenoid hydrocarbons. Each gland contains approximately 6 ng of hydrocarbons with n-heptadecene (40%) and /i-heptadecadiene (30%) as the m ajor components. Two terpenoid hydrocarbons, (-E)-ß-farnesene and a hom ofarneseneisomer were also identified.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)141-146
Number of pages6
JournalZeitschrift fur Naturforschung - Section C Journal of Biosciences
Issue number1-2
StatePublished - 1 Feb 1987


  • (E)-ß-Farnesene
  • Dufour Gland
  • Harpagoxenus
  • Heptadecane
  • Homofarnesene


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