Thermo-mechanical modeling and experimental validation for multilayered metallic microstructures

Zhongjing Ren, Jianping Yuan, Xiaoyu Su, Sundeep Mangla, Chang Yong Nam, Ming Lu, Fernando Camino, Yong Shi

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14 Scopus citations


This paper presents thermo-mechanical modeling on multilayered metallic microstructures consisting of two bilayers that enable 3D deployment once being Joule heated. A representative design of such microstructures, as well as their working principle is introduced. A mathematical model is derived using Euler–Bernoulli beam theory, and analytical solutions describing out-of-plane displacement of the multilayered microstructures when uniformly heated, which is validated by finite element analysis. Parametric analysis on thermal load and dimensional change of beam shows a good agreement between the analytical solutions and results given by finite element analysis. The phases of the near-equiatomic NiTi layer are analyzed by EDS and XRD, which prove to be austenite during the Joule heating process. The mechanical properties of austenite NiTi are incorporated into the analytical solutions that provides a good estimation of 3D deployment of microstructures made of NiTi and aluminum. The experimental results provide an approximately 7 µm out-of-plane deployment by applying a uniform temperature increase of 132 K, and parametric analysis on the dimension of top aluminum beam offers another promising approach to larger 3D deployment. The proposed mathematical model provides an efficient tool for predicting the out-of-plane deployment of such multilayered microstructures.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2579-2587
Number of pages9
JournalMicrosystem Technologies
Issue number7
StatePublished - Jul 2021


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