Threshold damage-based fatigue life prediction of turbine blades under combined high and low cycle fatigue

Peng Yue, Juan Ma, Han Huang, Yang Shi, Jean W. Zu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

40 Scopus citations


Life prediction based on the damage mechanics of aero-engine turbine blades is crucial for performing their strength design and ensuring the operational reliability under combined high and low cycle fatigue (CCF) loadings. In view of this, a simple and efficient life prediction method is developed to consider the interaction of high cycle fatigue (HCF) and low cycle fatigue (LCF) without any additional material constants, and as a basis of that a new nonlinear damage accumulation model is proposed by introducing threshold damage of the component related to material type and current HCF damage. In order to validate the presented methodology, model predictions were compared with the experimental data sets of turbine blades and its alloy materials. The predicted results indicate that the simple life prediction model is capable of estimating the fatigue life quickly with an acceptable accuracy in contrast to other four existing ones. Moreover, the threshold damage-based method provides the higher prediction accuracy than others due to improved HCF damage determined by the damage threshold.

Original languageEnglish
Article number106323
JournalInternational Journal of Fatigue
StatePublished - Sep 2021


  • Combined high and low cycle fatigue
  • Damage accumulation
  • Life prediction
  • Threshold damage
  • Turbine blades


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