TRECVID 2012 GENIE: Multimedia event detection and recounting

A. G. Amitha Perera, Sangmin Oh, Megha Pandey, Tianyang Ma, Anthony Hoogs, Arash Vahdat, Kevin Cannons, Hossein Hajimirsadeghi, Greg Mori, Scott McCloskey, Ben Miller, Sharath Venkatesha, Pedro Davalos, Pradipto Das, Chenliang Xu, Jason Corso, Rohini Srihari, Ilseo Kim, You Chi Cheng, Zhen HuangChin Hui Lee, Kevin Tang, L. Fei-Fei, Daphne Koller

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

5 Scopus citations


Our MED 12 system is an extension of our MED 11 system [12], and consists of a collection of lowlevel and high-level features, feature-specific classifiers built upon those features, and a fusion system that combines features both through mid-level kernel fusion and score fusion. We have incorporated large number of audio-visual features in our new system and incorporated diverse types of standard and newly developed event agents which learn the salient audio-visual characteristics of event classes. The combination of additional features and newly developed powerful event agents improve our MED performance substantially beyond our MED 11 results. In addition, our MER 12 submissions reported recounting of specified clips for all five MER events and additionally provided MER results for all the clips detected by MED system. Our MER system generated recounting of detections based on CDR features and synopsis provided as part of the EventKits and DEVT datasets. The MER evaluation results are promising for event-level discrimination, and indicated further improvement to be made for clip-level discrimination.

Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - 2012
EventTREC Video Retrieval Evaluation, TRECVID 2012 - Gaithersburg, MD, United States
Duration: 26 Nov 201228 Nov 2012


ConferenceTREC Video Retrieval Evaluation, TRECVID 2012
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityGaithersburg, MD


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