Triaxial mechanical characterization of ultrasoft 3D support bath-based bioprinted tubular GelMA constructs

Ahsanul Torza, Ralf Zgeib, Xiaofeng Wang, Ahmadreza Zaeri, Fucheng Zhang, Kai Cao, Robert Chang, Johannes Weickenmeier

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Support bath-based extrusion bioprinting is an emerging additive manufacturing paradigm that allows for the creation of geometrically complex three-dimensional tissue-mimicking constructs. Although this approach enables arbitrary geometries to be printed, preserving shape and mechanical integrity after the construct is extracted from the support bath is one of the main challenges today. In the present study, we systematically tested the effect of critical printing parameters on construct integrity and stiffness. Specifically, we varied the concentration and temperature of the bioink and support bath material, hydrogel crosslinking time, and cell density of the bioink. While previous studies on hydrogel materials quantify construct properties based on a single loading mode-such as uniaxial testing or rheological experiments, for example—we used a multiaxial mechanical testing protocol to assess the printed construct's response in tension, compression, and shear. For each sample, we determined a single set of material parameters by simultaneously fitting all three modes in our inverse finite element framework. In support of future modeling work, we analyzed three different constitutive models with respect to their ability to match the construct's mechanical response. We observed that GelMA concentration, temperature, and cell density have a statistically significant effect on the construct stiffness; support bath temperature and UV crosslinking time have a weak effect on construct stiffness; and support bath concentration appears to have no direct effect on the measured construct properties. Our construct stiffness were found to vary between 0.07 and 2.2 kPa depending on printing conditions, and showed noticeable tension–compression asymmetry as well as pronounced nonlinear behavior when loaded under shear.

Original languageEnglish
Article number112938
JournalInternational Journal of Solids and Structures
StatePublished - 1 Sep 2024


  • Inverse finite elements
  • Live-dead cell assay
  • Support bath bioprinting
  • Triaxial mechanical characterization
  • Tubular cell-laden GelMA constructs


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