Tunable two-mirror interference lithography system for wafer-scale nanopatterning

Weidong Mao, Ishan Wathuthanthri, Chang Hwan Choi

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39 Scopus citations


We have designed and analyzed a novel (to the best of our knowledge) two-beam interference lithography system for large-area (wafer-level) nanopatterning with enhanced tunability of pattern periodicities. The tunable feature has been achieved by placing two rotational mirrors in the expanded beam paths at regulated angles for a desired period. Theoretical analyses show that the effective pattern coverage area greater than a 4 in: (10cm) wafer scale is attainable with a 325nm (30cm coherence length) HeCd laser and 4 in: (10 cm) mirrors, while the pattern coverage area is restrained by the overruling effects between the optical coherence and mirror size. The experimental results also demonstrate uniform nanopatterns at varying periods (250-750nm) on 4 in: (10cm) substrates, validating the theoretical analyses. The tunable two-mirror interferometer will offer a convenient and robust way to prepare large-area nanostructures on a wafer scale with superior tunability in their pattern periodicities.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3176-3178
Number of pages3
JournalOptics Letters
Issue number16
StatePublished - 15 Aug 2011


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