Two dimensional rule-based shape synthesis method

D. M. Russell, S. P. Manoochehri

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

13 Scopus citations


The objective of this study is to form two-dimensional structural/mechanical parts under general loading and restraint conditions. The designs created are of minimum weight with the stresses throughout the parts as close to the allowable limit as possible. The study uses a thresholding approach with minimal designer intervention for generating optimal configurations. The process begins with the user creating an initial design which encompasses all the specified loads and restraints. Finite element techniques are employed to discretize the part geometry. Then a set of heuristics are utilized for shape modification, by removing elements from the finite element model. A Bi-Directional Thresholding technique, (BDT) is developed that determines which elements ought to be removed.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages7
StatePublished - 1989
EventAdvances in Design Automation - 1989 - Montreal, Que, Can
Duration: 17 Sep 198921 Sep 1989


ConferenceAdvances in Design Automation - 1989
CityMontreal, Que, Can


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