Ultrabright omnidirectional collective emission of correlated photon Pairs from atomic vapors

Y. P. Huang, M. G. Moore

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1 Scopus citations


Spontaneous four-wave mixing can generate highly correlated photon pairs from atomic vapors. We show that multiphoton pumping of dipole-forbidden transitions in a recoil-free geometry can result in ultrabright pair emission in the full 4π solid angle, while strongly suppressing background Rayleigh scattering and associated atomic heating, Such a system can produce photon pairs at rates of ~1012 per second, given only moderate optical depths of 10-100, or alternatively, the system can generate paired photons with subnatural bandwidths at lower production rates. We derive a rate-equation based theory of the collective atomic population and coherence dynamics and present numerical simulations for a toy model, as well as realistic model systems based on Cs133 and Yb171 level structures. Last, we demonstrate that dark-state adiabatic following electromagnetically induced transparency and/or time-scale hierarchy protects the paired photons from reabsorption as they propagate through the optically thick sample.

Original languageEnglish
Article number033807
JournalPhysical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Issue number3
StatePublished - 8 Mar 2010


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