Universal theories for rigid soluble groups

A. G. Myasnikov, N. S. Romanovskii

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17 Scopus citations


A group is said to be p-rigid, where p is a natural number, if it has a normal series of the form G = G 1 > G 2 > ... > G p > G p+1 = 1, whose quotients G i/G i+1 are Abelian and are torsion free when treated as ℤ[G/G i]-modules. Examples of rigid groups are free soluble groups. We point out a recursive system of universal axioms distinguishing p-rigid groups in the class of p-soluble groups. It is proved that if F is a free p-soluble group, G is an arbitrary p-rigid group, and W is an iterated wreath product of p infinite cyclic groups, then ∀-theories for these groups satisfy the inclusions A(F) ⊇ A(G) ⊇ A(W). We construct an ∃-axiom distinguishing among p-rigid groups those that are universally equivalent to W. An arbitrary p-rigid group embeds in a divisible decomposed p-rigid group M = M(α 1,..., α p). The latter group factors into a semidirect product of Abelian groups A 1A 2... A p, in which case every quotient M i/M i+1 of its rigid series is isomorphic to A i and is a divisible module of rank α i over a ring ℤ[M/M i]. We specify a recursive system of axioms distinguishing among M-groups those that are Muniversally equivalent to M. As a consequence, it is stated that the universal theory of M with constants in M is decidable. By contrast, the universal theory of W with constants is undecidable.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)539-552
Number of pages14
JournalAlgebra and Logic
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jan 2012


  • decidable theory
  • p-rigid group
  • universal theory of group


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