Vibration localization by disorder in assemblies of mono-coupled, multi-mode component systems

Philip D. Cha, Christophe Pierre

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

4 Scopus citations


Disorder in nominally periodic engineering structures results in the localization of the mode shapes to small geometric regions and in the attenuation of waves, even in the passbands of the corresponding perfectly periodic system. This paper investigates, via probabilistic methods, the transmission of steady-state harmonic vibration from a local source of excitation in nearly periodic assemblies of mono-coupled, multi-component mode substructures. A transfer matrix formulation is used to derive analytical expressions for the localization factor (the rate of exponential decay of the vibration amplitude) in the limiting cases of strong and weak modal coupling. The degree of localization is shown to increase with the ratio of disorder strength to modal coupling.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages13
StatePublished - 1990
EventAIAA Dynamics Specialist Conference - Long Beach, CA, USA
Duration: 5 Apr 19906 Apr 1990


ConferenceAIAA Dynamics Specialist Conference
CityLong Beach, CA, USA


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