Vibro-acoustic modulation technique comparison with conventional nondestructive evaluation methods

Behnoush Golchinfar, Majid G. Ramezani, Dimitri Donskoy, Hossain Saboonchi

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

4 Scopus citations


In the last two decades, nonlinear ultrasonic testing is getting more attention due to their sensitivity to microcracks among a variety of NDT techniques used in infrastructure. Vibro-Acoustic Modulation (VAM) technique is one of the practical methods, that does not need the expensive hardware components required for the conventional nonlinear methods. This method is capable of identifying damage growth using the correlation of the level of nonlinearity to the severity or density of the damage. To be able to determine the sensitivity of VAM technique in comparison with other conventional nondestructive testing methods, Acoustic Emission (AE) technique as a global method and Ultrasonic Testing (UT) and Eddy current Testing (ET) techniques as local methods are investigated in an identical testing condition for similar specimens. The comparison has been conducted by testing a typical steel material used in the steel bridges under cyclic tension load. All these methods have some features in common and some differences. A comprehensive comparison study of these techniques sheds light on their practicality for various applications. Unlike the AE technique that listens to the structure for the received signal of the released elastic energy from the defects, VAM introduces the signals to the specimen and monitors the signal that was modulated by the vibration to get information about the crack. VAM and AE have some similarities such as no need for positioning sensors on the cracks and capability of detecting the crack in the early stages. On the other hand, local techniques such as UT and ET are more accurate than the VAM technique in terms of localization but less sensitive in terms of how soon they detect cracks.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationHealth Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems IX
EditorsPaul Fromme, Zhongqing Su
ISBN (Electronic)9781510635395
StatePublished - 2020
EventHealth Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems IX 2020 - None, United States
Duration: 27 Apr 20208 May 2020

Publication series

NameProceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
ISSN (Print)0277-786X
ISSN (Electronic)1996-756X


ConferenceHealth Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems IX 2020
Country/TerritoryUnited States


  • Acoustic Emission
  • Eddy current Testing
  • NDT
  • Nonlinear Vibro-Acoustic Modulation
  • Ultrasonic Testing


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