Wavenumber mismatch of interacting modes in a plane wake

J. B. Davila, M. R. Hajj, R. W. Miksad, E. J. Powers

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A technique is presented to examine the level of wavenumber mismatch between nonlinearly interacting components whose frequencies obey resonant matching conditions. Cross-correlation of the auto-bispectrum is used to quantify the level of mismatch, and the concept of bispectrum coherency is introduced to determine the confidence level in the wavenumber mismatch measurements. The results show that wavenumber mismatch of the order of one tenth of the fundamental wavenumber can exist between interacting triads whose frequencies obey resonance matching.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)385-389
Number of pages5
JournalApplied Scientific Research
Issue number1-2
StatePublished - Jun 1993


  • bispectral analysis
  • nonlinear interactions
  • resonant matching
  • wave transition
  • wavenumber mismatch


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